5 December 2010

"The Jaws" is in Egypt

It is really scared! Could you imagine, in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh a number of Russian tourists hit by the shark attacks? 

When you listen to it at the first time you cannot believe that it is true. It is happened in the 21st century when everyone thinks that he is all-powerful. And suddenly the wild world reminds about itself. A shark attacks tourists straight near the breach. 

According to the world press, 70-year-old woman was swimming close to shore. A shark damaged her hand and leg. Victim was urgently taken to a nearby hospital.

Because of cases of shark attacks some beaches were closed.  As reported there were at least 3, perhaps, 4-5 cases of shark attacks on tourists for two days.

Who is this predator? 

A lot of suggestions about the type of this shark appeared in the media. The scientists think that it was the white-tip shark. This shark can reach a fairly large size, several meters in length.

However, this shark is not considered as particularly dangerous for people. It almost never comes to the coast.

Marine killer is caught, isn’t it?  

The photos of caught predator have been appeared in every news websites and newspapers. It is really amazing to see “The Jaws” not in the movie but in real pictures. Shark’s jaws is huge, her teeth are scared!

Finally, the Egyptian government declared that was the real killer. They are going to make a suffered animal from this shark and exhibit it in the museum. 

Unfortunately, it was the false victory. 

New dangerous.  

 A new shark attack has happened in Sharm el-Sheikh today. Marine predator victim this time is a tourist from Germany. It happened the day after the lifting of the ban on swimming in the Red Sea.

So, now how could we think that we are all-powerful? Or it was only the fault of carelessness? If it is so who are the guilty – tourists or tourism providers?

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